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item with all types

item with all types

test from mobile description

test from omm

test from omm

Just just just just think about the world 1400 years ago and the level of knowledge that existed, or perhaps we should say the level ignorance that was prevalent, especially in regards to the natural world. Of course some thinkers and philosophers had made some amazing discoveries, even estimating the circumference of the earth, but they also got a lot of things very wrong. Legends and myths also abounded. Reading the Quran, you find a distinct lack of such legends and myths about the creation of the universe and the natural world. Yes, there are miracles and wonders worked by the Creator to increase the faith of the faithful and confound the ob­stinate, but otherwise descriptions of the world and universe seem remarkably modern. You would expect the Quran to reflect the myths and legends of the time. Even if Mohammed had managed to pick up the best ideas of the time and leave out these legends, it still does not account for the remarkable consistency of the Quran with modern science. Here are a couple of verses in the Quran dealing with the universe and its creation. “Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before We clove them asunder, and We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?” [The Quran; Chapter 21 – The Prophets, verse 30} Ever heard of the Big Bang and how the universe started as a singularity, a super-condensed ball of matter and energy? We talked about that in the beginning, remember? It sure seems that the information in the Quran is correct about something that we discovered just about seventy years ago. Then how about this: “And it is We who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it.” [The Quran; Chapter 51 – The Winds That Scatter, verse 47] When Einstein was conjuring up his theories, the consensus among scientists was that the universe was static and had been like that forever, but new observations made it clear that this was not the case and that in fact galaxies were moving away from each other at a constant rate. In other words, the universe is expanding. More than strange is how these things came to be found in a book 1400 years old. Science is a very fickle fellow. Things which scientists all agree upon at one time are turned on their heads and are shown to be contradicted by observations at another time, so perhaps it’s not the best thing to judge a book by. Still, there are some things that seem to have been observed so often and so much that it becomes some sort of ‘fact’. One of these things is the embryonic development of humans. The idea that we go through stages of foetal development is re­ally quite new. Lots of theories abounded in antiquity and early modern times that today seem to sound a bit silly. For example, one of the dominant theories that was prevalent in the eighteenth century was the pre-formation theory. This was the idea that ani­mals existed pre-formed in the sperm. There were even claims of observations of this through the primitive microscopes available at the time. So much for seeing is believing! Aristotle thought that menstrual blood congealed with the aid of semen to form a foetus. It was not until the late nineteenth century that what we know today began to be clearly articulated. Yet over 1400 years ago the Quran stated: “Man We did fashion from a quintessence of clay. Then We placed him as (a drop of) fluid in a place of rest firmly fixed. Then We fashioned the fluid into a leech-like thing that clings (the word “alaq” is sometimes incorrectly translated as a blood-clot). Then We fashioned that leech-like thing that clings into a chewed-like lump. Then We fashioned the chewed-like lump into bones and We clothed the bones with flesh. Then We developed out of it an­other creature. So hallowed be Allah, the Best of Artisans”; [The Quran; Chapter 96 – The Clot, verses 1-2]: “…who fashioned man from a leech-like thing that clings”; and [The Quran; Chapter 22 – The Pilgrimage, verse 5]: “We fashioned you out of dust, then out of a drop of fluid, then out of a leech-like thing that clings, then out of a morsel of flesh – partly formed and partly unformed…” Keith Moore, Professor and Chairman, Department of Anatomy, University of Toronto, Canada, and author of ‘The Developing Human’, and considered one of the world’s leading embryologists, said concerning these statements in the Qur’an and authenticated hadeeth: “Until the 19th Century, nothing was known about clas­sifying the stages of human development. A system of staging hu­man embryos was developed around the end of the 19th Century based on alphabetical symbols. During the 20th century, numerals were used to describe 23 stages of embryonic development. This system of numbering the stages is not easy to follow and a better system would be based on the morphological changes. In recent years, the study of the Qur’an has revealed another basis for the classification of the stages of the developing embryo which is based on easily understood actions and changes in shape. It uti­lizes terms which were sent from God to Muhammed the Prophet by the Angel Gabriel and recorded on the Qur’an … It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from God because almost all of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later. This proves to me that Muhammed must have been a Messenger of God.” Marshall Jonson, Professor and Chairman, Department of Anatomy, Director of the Daniel Baugh Institute, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, U.S.A., said: “As a scientist I can only deal with things I can specifically see. I can understand embryology and developmental biology; I can understand the words that are translated to me from the Qur’an. If I were to transpose myself into that era, knowing what I do today and describing things, I could not describe the things that were described. I see no evidence to refute the concept that this individual Muhammed had to be developing this information from some place, so I see nothing in conflict with the concept that Di­vine Intervention was involved on what he was able to say.”

5 Steps To Become Muslim

5 Steps To Become Muslim

The Film Starts With Defining The Word Islam And The Steps You Should Pronounce To Become A Muslim, And The Importance Of Embracing Islam.

Give Me A Reason To Be A Muslim

Give Me A Reason To Be A Muslim

Animation With Interesting Voice Over Explaining Ten Reasons For Non-Muslims To Embrace Islam, Urging Them To Know It, And Drawing Attentions To Its Distinctive Points Such As Being The Religion Harmonious With Human Nature.

Newton…And The Trinity

Newton…And The Trinity

The English physicist Isaac Newton is beyond famous, he is considered one of the most influential scientists of all time because of his theories and findings which people consider as great scientific discoveries until this day. Yet, there is something about Newton which is unknown as it was never under the spotlight despite its importance, i.e. his position towards the Trinity, an aspect that categorizes Christianity the most. This position almost cost him his life. So, what is Newton’s position towards the Trinity? What are the reasons for this position? What was his view about God? How did the Trinity intervene into the Christian belief from Newton’s point of view? These questions will be answered in the film…

Sober up

Sober up

Did you have enough of biased news networks which spread "their" view of the news rather than the facts, including political, social, entertainment or even sports news...? Or do you actually trust the integrity of the international media venues and news networks? Do you believe their credibility and nonbiased delivery of the news? Regardless of your position, we want you to stop for a few minutes and ponder on the authentic information and facts we tell you then you can judge for yourself

Why Athan ?

Why Athan ?

What is Athan? What does it mean? Why Muslims are so careful on the call to prayer? Why those words in particular? Why did Prophet Muhammad command Muslims to repeat the words of the call to prayer when they hear them? This film will answer all these Questions.

Dialogue with Darwin

Dialogue with Darwin

This theory is quite popular in the circles of the religious vs. atheist debates. Atheists see this theory as a strong justification for their atheism. Almost all atheists defend the validity of this theory and its scientific proofs. Regardless of this controversy, what is the position of the founder of this theory regarding the atheists' dependence on his theory?!

Islam and The Forbidden Desire

Islam and The Forbidden Desire

The world is suffering from a state of severe polarization towards different directions and counter directions.This polarization may be justified at times, but it is completely unjustified that the polarization becomes between the two human sexes (men and women), i.e. when female and male movements are established, all of which are contrary to the sex instinct that they claim to defend its rights. I wonder, what led the world to this depressing situation?!

The Return of Jesus

The Return of Jesus

This video explains the return of Jesus (peace be upon Him) at the end of time. the trials and tribulations before it, the rise of the Mahdi and the advent of Maseeh ad-Dajjal (the False Messiah)

The Bible Says Jesus Is Not God - (Shocking Evidence)

The Bible Says Jesus Is Not God - (Shocking Evidence)

This video explains who is Jesus?, what is his nature?, and the reasons from the Bible why Jesus cannot be God.