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Translations of Quran

Translations of Quran


Translations of Quran are just that. The Quran is only in Arabic as it was revealed; no other scripture is like that.

Chapters of Quran

Chapters of Quran


The Quran has 114 chapters and 114 times the Quran says 'In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Compassionate'

God is the source of Quran

God is the source of Quran


The Quran has scientific information on the embryo, mountains, seas, the creation of the universe, etc. Its source must be God.

The power of Quran

The power of Quran


The Quran is not organized by subject matter or in chronological order and its power lies in recitation and listening to it in Arabic

The Message of the Quran

The Message of the Quran


The Message of the Quran is peace and reconciliation, even war is regulated and prisoners are given rights and human dignity

The Quran is true

The Quran is true


The Quran is true because it has reached us like no other heavenly book and has scientific information that no other heavenly book does

The goals of the Quran

The goals of the Quran


The goals of the Quran: know God, know how to worship God, live a life God wants, reform yourself, create a spiritual and just society

The Message of the Quran

The Message of the Quran


The Message of the Quran: know and worship God, accept His prophets, follow the last Prophet (Muhammad) and serve humanity

Words of Allah

Words of Allah


Your inability to read the words of Allah may have nothing to do with your religiosity, but everything to do with the stress in your life at the time. Learn more Quran here...

The greatest losers in respect of their deeds

The greatest losers in respect of their deeds


"Say: 'Shall We tell you the greatest losers in respect of (their) deeds? 'Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life while they thought that they were acquiring good by their deeds!' (Quran 18:103-104). Learn more about the Quran here...

The essence of Salah is remembrance of Allah

The essence of Salah is remembrance of Allah


Read your salah (prayer) slowly. The khushu (concentration) will follow automatically. The Quran tells us that the essence of salah is remembrance of Allah. A few minutes every day is not that hard to remember Allah, is it? Learn more about prayer here...

Islam 360

Islam 360


World First Quran Searchable Application. Now you can read and search Holy Quran on your mobile