content of level
The Quran does confirm that ‘Islam’ is the true religion of all God’s prophets
The Quran does confirm that ‘Islam’ is the true religion of all God’s prophets. This Qur’anic fact is also traceable in the Bible itself.
What is the religion of those prophets? Submission
Since God’s Prophets carried the same message, their religion must be the same one! What is the religion of those prophets? Submission
The Moderate Religion
The Moderate Religion
What is Islam ?
What is Islam ?
The only way out a guide for truth seekers
The only way out a guide for truth seekers
The deen is easy. Anyone who makes the deen too hard on himself will find it becomes too much for him
"The deen is easy. Anyone who makes the deen too hard on himself will find it becomes too much for him. So aim for what is right, follow a middle path, accept the good news of the reward for right action, and seek help in the morning, evening and some of the night." (Bukhari)
Pull down the sheets of pride that cover your heart
Pull down the sheets of pride that cover your heart. Let it breathe in humility.
something Islam allowed 1400 years ago
144 years ago UK issued Married Women's Property Act allowing them to legally own wealth; something Islam allowed 1400 years ago
Islam inspires us to have good intentions, positive attitudes, and kind feelings towards others.
Islam inspires us to have good intentions, positive attitudes, and kind feelings towards others.
Islam instructs us not to hurt, hate, transgress against, put down, or despise others.
Islam instructs us not to hurt, hate, transgress against, put down, or despise others.
Islam teaches us that all humans are equal regardless of race, color, or nationality.
Islam teaches us that all humans are equal regardless of race, color, or nationality.
Islam urges us to think, ponder, reason, and base our judgments on proof.
Islam urges us to think, ponder, reason, and base our judgments on proof.
Islam instructs us to respect and care for our parents and the elderly.
Islam instructs us to respect and care for our parents and the elderly.
Dear Human !
This video talks to humans in general and ask them to question their beliefs. Why each of us believes in what we believe in. To those who believe that Jesus is their Savior, is it fair that salvation entails the death of the Godly Prophet ? A lot of questions are asked and they need answers.
What Is Islam All about?
In this episode, Br. Eddie shows that there are many people scared and confused about Islam because they are getting a negative image about Islam from the media. After watching this episode, you will have a real idea and understanding about what Islam is really all about.
Islam - the Way to Be Happy and Bring Happiness into Your Life
In this episode of the Deenshow, Sh. Waleed Basiony shows us the right way to happiness in this world and the world to come. He also shows that some people seek happiness through some wrong ways.
Intelligent Blind Man Sees with His Heart Accepts Islam
In this episode of the Deen Show, Br. David Biang who ended up blind after he was left with too much oxygen in his incubator as a baby. Later in life he started his journey seeking the truth and putting the pieces together to know about the true religion.
What is the purpose of our life?
In this interesting program, Dr Zakir Naik pays the lost people’s attention to a very significant issue. He talks to those who don’t know the purpose of their lives in this world. So Shaikh gives them a right and rational method through which everyone can know the right path in this world.
Is there a True Religion?
Dr Bilal Philips presents a very important lecture on the topic of “Is there a True Religion?” in which he describes the importance of Believing in One God, compared different religions because all religions claim that they alone are correct and the rest are false, then how will the seeker of true religion identify? Is there a True Religion?
How to seek knowledge
The recording covers the virtue and significance of seeking knowledge including the individual duty and incentive to seek out knowledge, the correct Method for seeking religious knowledge, the Ethics of the seeker of it and what every Muslims should know about his or her Deen, Islam.