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Muslims believe that the original, unchanged message given to Muhammad, Jesus, Moses and all other prophets came from the One same God. This common origin explains their similarities in many beliefs and values.
How about those who believe in?
How about those who believe in? 1-God the Father 2-God the Son 3-God the Holy Spirit In Christianity God has three identities God the Father,the Creator God the Son,the Savior God the Holy Spirit,the Counselor
Some Christians might say : “ “we believe in one God
Some Christians might say : “ “we believe in one God “ How about those who believe in? 1-God the Father 2-God the Son 3-God the Holy Spirit
God across History
1. How did humanity worship God across history? 2. What was the concept of God in ancient religions? How do today's major religions view God? 3. Is theology equally important across religious traditions? This video answers these questions and more from the perspectives of those individual religions.
Concept of God in Major Religions
A comparative analysis of the concept of GOD between the major Religions of the World: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Zoroastrianism.
Dear Human !
This video talks to humans in general and ask them to question their beliefs. Why each of us believes in what we believe in. To those who believe that Jesus is their Savior, is it fair that salvation entails the death of the Godly Prophet ? A lot of questions are asked and they need answers.
Is there a True Religion?
Dr Bilal Philips presents a very important lecture on the topic of “Is there a True Religion?” in which he describes the importance of Believing in One God, compared different religions because all religions claim that they alone are correct and the rest are false, then how will the seeker of true religion identify? Is there a True Religion?
What is Islam? (part2): the origins of Islam
The role of Islam among other world religions, specifically in relation to the Judeo-Christian tradition.